BOARD UPDATE-February, 2018

At its February meeting, your Board approved the following:

  • A request from the Building Committee for additional funding of $75,000 from the Building Fund to be used for architectural and engineering services (civil engineering, landscape design, mechanical engineering)
  • A request from the Social Justice Council for $540 from the Gilbert Fund to match the “Half Plate” donation to UUCB in support of its work as a Sanctuary Congregation.
  • Comprehensive Staffing Plan drafted by the Comprehensive Staff Planning Team and approved by the Member Engagement Committee and the Personnel Committees.
  • Housing Allowance for Reverend Lydia
  • Contract for Intern A.J. Van Tine

We also agreed that April 29 is the best date for the congregational meeting to receive the results of the Capital Campaign and consider authorizing the start of  renovation and construction activities.  Because this is a “Major Decision” as defined in our By-Laws, the quorum at this meeting is 50% of our voting members.  After some discussion, subcommittees were created to analyze and make recommendations regarding (1) oversight of stewardship activities other than pledge campaigns; (2) a three-year plan to ensure the staffing level needed during our expected period of high intensity and growth; and (3) revisions to our By-Laws.

In a related development, thanks to the hard work of Carol Pranschke, the minutes of all Board meetings back to January 2016 are now available for your reading pleasure in the “Members Only” section of the BVUUF web page.