In its regular monthly meeting on January 17, your Board took the following actions:

  • Approved the Finance Committee’s recommended goal of $443,000 for the 2019 Annual Pledge Drive.  This is a 5% increase over last year’s results.
  • Considered a proposal to “freeze” further use of funds in restricted accounts (e.g. the Stoner and Legacy Funds) until we can better assess whether projected revenue will actually cover the final costs of the building project.  A straw vote indicated that a bare majority favored the proposal.  It will be considered again in February.
  • Approved the following:
    • Minutes of the December 20 meeting
    • Building Budget Report for December
    • Treasurer’s Report for December
    • Minister’s Housing Allowance
  • Received an update on the status of the construction contract.  Milo Construction’s attorney is reviewing the revisions we have requested.
  • Received an update on the plans for transition.
  • Agreed to schedule a Collaborative Conversation among the Board, the Building Committee, and Larry Sherwood, Chair of the Construction Finance Team,  to clarify roles and responsibilities as we move through the contracting process and enter the construction phase.
  • Blessed CoSM’s recommendation that Reverend Lydia take a well-earned Sabbatical month in April.

On January 22, the Collaborative Conversation referenced above produced a preliminary RACI chart for the major tasks associated with the building project.

On January 31, at a special meeting, your Board took the following actions needed to move forward with the building project:

  1. Approved a construction contract not to exceed $3,478,610 with Milo Construction contingent upon (1) receipt of a clean and correct copy from our attorneys and (2) confirmation of necessary Builder’s Risk insurance coverage;
  2. Approved a building project budget totaling $4,572,736;
  3. Authorized acquiring a loan of up to $1,600,000 from First National Bank of Omaha and designated signatories on the loan document and on reports and transfer of funds requests.