Archives: Services

Justice & Equity

Our beloved country, with all its promise and all its failings, is now one election away from slipping into autocracy; an election that many of us feel will lead to a higher road for the future or a much lower one. How did we get … read more.

Our Bodies, Our Rights

In a time where discrimination and inequality around gender and reproductive rights grow, how can we only grow stronger, grow louder. The concept of body-autonomy is embedded in many of our values and principles as Unitarian Universalists, and is expressed in our support of comprehensive … read more.

Love Liberates Change

As we journey from the comforting embrace of settled ministry to the unfolding path of interim ministry and then a new settled minister, we are invited to discover the guiding force of Love in this liminal space. Inspired by timeless tales and contemporary frameworks, we … read more.

Flowing into the Mystery

Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom this morning to contemplate the beautiful mystery of life. We will prepare our hearts for the new year with a flowing hour of music, readings, poetry, meditation, and a simple ceremony releasing the old to create space … read more.