1-19-14 School of the Spirit Weekly Update

Adam and Eve's First Sunset; God's New Day by Rabbi Sandy Sasso

Be an adult sponsor at a Youth Con this weekend or in February – it is an immersion into UU like nothing else!  Adam and Eve find out about the natural world in this Talmudic interpretation by one of my favorite authors, Rabbi Sandy Sasso.






9 a.m. Preschool/Nursery– “Puppets were Babies Once” With Missy Perrine, teacher, Solymar Kneale, volunteer helper. How does it feel to be a “big kid” now?

9 a.m. Kindergarten – 6th GradeAdam and Eve” –  Evan and Teresa Kneale reflect on the book “Adam and Eve’s First Sunset” by Rabbi Sandy Sasso. This parable is based upon a Talmudic explication of the Old Testament story of Adam and Eve’s first night in the Garden of Eden in which God showed them flints to help them make fire that brought light into the darkness. Enlarging upon the story, Sasso emphasizes the first couple’s growing fear as the sun disappears, their realization that they have no control over the natural world, and their thankfulness when the sun returns in the morning.  The story can spark discussion concerning awareness of and gratitude for the natural world around us.

8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. – 7/8th Grade Our Whole Lives with Emily Conger and Scott McCollom.

9 a.m. 7-12th grades – Attend the service or help in a younger group.


10:10 a.m. Chalice Singers Rehearsal – Melissa Williams, Choir Director

11 a.m. Puppet Preschool/Nursery– “Puppets were Babies Once” With Juliette Mettes and Emily Soder, high school staffers; and Talia Ferrante-Roseberry, helper. How does it feel to be a “big kid” now?

11 a.m. Kindergarten – 3rd Grades: “Adam and Eve” with Stef Moriarty, teacher  and T.A. needed. Let Jamil know if you can help – assistantre@bvuuf.org. See description for 9 a.m.

11. a.m.  4th – 6th – “Bibleodeon” with Katie Covey and Fiona Freeman-Grundei. Katie will bring in the Covey Family Bible to share the spidery script of her ancestors as they filled in family births, deaths and marriages. Way before Geneology.com! If you have a family bible, bring it in to share.

11 a.m. Youth Group (7th – 12th grades) 30 Days of Love. National campaign for “Standing on the Side of Love”   Check out Emily Conger’s Youth Ministry Blog  for more information about Youth activities.



Go to a Youth CON (overnight)! 
Can you help by being an adult sponsor at a Con (MDD High School Conference)? See the amazing, magical energy of our MDD youth in beloved community. Check out this video which describes a Con.
1) THIS Weekend: Attend the MLK con as BVUUF adult sponsor (see description attached) (9th – 12th graders, social justice oriented), Sunday, Jan.19, 5 p.m. until Monday, Jan. 20 at noon. Denver, First Unitarian Church. RSVP to Emily Conger, youthcoordinator@bvuuf.org by Friday, Jan. 17.
2) Attend the Winter Con, Feb. 7-9th in Fort Collins, CO (Friday evening through Sunday Morning) as an adult sponsor (see description attached.) RSVP to Emily Conger, youthcoordinator@bvuuf.org
 You can read more about the Cons in Emily’s Youth Ministry Newsletter.  We will cover your Con registration fee for the Winter Con. The MLK Con is free.

The Family Activities Group plans game nights, Ice Skating in Louisville, and picnics at Waneka among other things. Contact Linda Thornton – hello2linda@yahoo.com to get on the email contact list to hear about impromptu gatherings!

Teaching Assistants, Playground Monitors and Family Meditation Facilitators are needed for the Winter and Spring. Visit the Volunteer Page for Sign Up Calendars. These are great ways to get to know our program.




The deadline for Jan. enrollment is past but it is not too late to sign-up for health care through Connect for Health Colorado. You may  be surprised about who qualifies for Tax credits. A guide will be at the Fellowship Jan. 19 at the two coffee hours to answer questions. Come by at 10 am or 12 to speak with Certified Connect for Health Colorado Health Coverage Guide. submitted by Rosemary Arp.



  • Emily CongerYouth Coordinator , youthcoordinator@bvuuf.org
  • Jamil ScottReligious Education Assistant, assistantre@bvuuf.org
  • Melissa WilliamsYouth and Intergenerational Choirs Director, melissamusic1@gmail.com
  • Katie CoveyDirector of Religious Education, dirrectorre@bvuuf.org