Members of the Fellowship at the unveiling of our Black Lives Matter banner. It has been torn down and replaced twice since it first went up.

We Embody Our Values by Working for Justice

Our Fellowship has a long-standing commitment to Social Justice and infuses this throughout everything we do, within the congregation and out in the community. Here are some of the areas in which we are currently active:

Immigration Justice

Boulder Area Sanctuary and Immigration Coalition supports immigrant families in Boulder country through an interfaith organization in the Boulder area. Contacts: Bob Norris and Bob Braudes

Inter-faith Organizing

Boulder Valley Community Action Network (BVCAN) is the Fellowship group that works with the state wide, faith-based organization Together Colorado to make systemic changes to improve the quality of life for our whole community.  Recent efforts include success in access to mental health services, housing, racial justice, legislative actions and more. Contact:

Queer Justice

The Welcoming Congregation committee encourages our activism and education around queer issues in the community including participation in Pride, education around current issues, support for LGBTQIA+ visitors and members, and social outreach. Contact:

Action Against Gun Violence

Our Guns to Garden Tools group had a very successful event where 140 unwanted weapons were collected. We continue to advocate for gun safety and an end to gun violence. Contact:

JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) 

This team meets to discuss and inform Fellowship groups on important concerns regarding racial, gender, class, sexual orientation, age, ability, and other groups’ access to our congregation. JEDI meets monthly with congregational leadership and offers education and guidance on many concerns within the Fellowship. Contact:

Preserving Democracy in Ukraine  

This taskforce’s focus is faithful to our UU Principles. We share information on the current humanitarian, political and military situation in Ukraine, encourage individual action by church members in support of Ukraine, and cooperate with local groups working for the survival of Ukraine. Contact

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