Drop-In groups. Come and get to know us better!

6@6 Dinners – Monthly gatherings for small, pot luck dinners in individual homes. Attendees are regrouped for each dinner. Attend one time or each time the dinners are scheduled.  Watch Connections Weekly Newsletter for sign-up info. Contact: sixatsix@bvuuf.org

Book Club – 2nd Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. at the Fellowship. The group selects fiction and non-fiction books to read and discuss. Join the conversation. Contact: bookclub@bvuuf.org

Building and Grounds Team – As needed. Come play in the dirt! Clean up, mow, special projects. Read all about what we do on the Grounds Blog. Contact: buildingandgrounds@bvuuf.org

Boulder Valley Community Action Network (BVCAN) – Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.  Works with state wide, faith-based Together Colorado to make systemic changes and improve the quality of life for our whole community.  Recent efforts include access to mental health services, housing, racial justice, and more. Contact: BVCANinfo@bvuuf.org

Camping Trip – Usually in August, car camping, day hikes, evening campfires at nearby Front Range campground.  Kid-friendly. See Connections Weekly newsletter. (Need to RSVP ahead of time.) Contact: campingtrip@bvuuf.org

Inquirer’s Series – Especially for our visitors! Meets most Sundays in the sanctuary after our service. Small group discussion about our faith and this congregation. A different topic is featured at each of the ten sessions. Contact : inquirer@bvuuf.org   

For those exploring what membership means, a Path to Membership class is the final gathering of each series. Contact: ptmcochairs@bvuuf.org

Longmont UU Presence – UU gatherings in Longmont supported by UUCB (Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder) and BVUUF. Meetings every 2nd and 4th Fridays at 1500 9th Ave in Longmont (5:50-7 p.m.). They offer many other activities. More details at  www.theluup.org. Contact: info@theluup.org

Senior Seekers – Monthly, on the 2nd Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at the Fellowship. A gathering of folks who identify as senior citizens to discuss the Soul Matters monthly themes and other topics of mutual interest. Contact: seniorseekersinfo@bvuuf.org

Social Justice – Social justice activities are infused throughout the Fellowship. Many ways to be involved! Issues include  immigration, race, education, environment, gun violence, and food/housing insecurity. We often join events being sponsored by our community partners.  Contact: socialjusticecochairs@bvuuf.org

SoS (School of the Spirit) – Be a teacher’s aide in children’s classrooms on Sundays of your choice. Contact: SpiritDirector@bvuuf.org

Thoughtful Endings – Monthly, meets the 2nd Saturday, 10 a.m. -noon at the Fellowship. This group discusses a variety of topics around aging and end-of-life issues.  Contact : thoughtfulendings@bvuuf.org

Wise Women Spirituality Group – Monthly, meets 2nd Tuesday evenings, 7-9 p.m. at the Fellowship.  Spiritual and goddess exploration circle for female identifying individuals affirming each woman’s inherent wisdom, forming deeper relationships, and bonding in sisterhood. Contact: wisewomeninfo@bvuuf.org

Groups that require some on-going commitment:

Aesthetics Committee – Designs the look and feel of our Fellowship. Each month they redecorate our altars in the Sanctuary and in Fellowship Hall. Contact : aestheticscochair@bvuuf.org

Auction – Annual fall fundraising event. Many volunteer opportunities: planning, food, computer support, event staffing, and more. Contact: auctioncochairs@bvuuf.org

Audio/Visual (A/V) Team – Training provided for cameras and sound board used for our Sunday services and special events. Contact: avlead@bvuuf.org

Classes for Adults – Classes to grow your spirit, build your community and energize your thinking.  Contact AdultEd@bvuuf.org

Choir – Love to sing? Our fabulous choir performs at services throughout the year. There is no audition needed. Rehearsals on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. Contact: musicdirector@bvuuf.org

CSPC (Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition) –  Fellowship volunteers tutor Latino children, in student homes, on Zoom, or elsewhere. Contact: cspctutor@bvuuf.org

Covenant Groups/ Soul Matters Small Groups –  Fellowship members explore monthly themes in greater depth. See Covenant Groups page for more information. Contact: covenantgroupcoordinators@bvuuf.org

Hospitality Teams – Help host our congregation on Sundays. Each team takes a turn every 6-8 weeks. Greet at our doors,  make coffee, staff the Welcome Center and more.  Contact: HospitalityCoordinators@bvuuf.org

Neighborhood Connectors – Meet Fellowship friends from your area for monthly get-togethers. Help with meals and driving for members and friends in need. Contact: NeighborhoodConnectors@bvuuf.org

Office – Help our Fellowship run more smoothly by working with our wonderful staff in the office. Wide range of tasks available, and training is provided. Volunteers work on projects using computers, doing mailings, and general organizing. Contact:  officemanager@bvuuf.org

Drives to support those in need in our larger community:

Crop Walk (Oct)  Raising funds to end hunger in the U.S. and around the world. Contact:  crophungerwalk@bvuuf.org

First Sunday Food Share (once a month)  Non-perishable food, cleaning products, and hygiene items are collected in blue barrels by the entrance and then delivered to Sister Carmen’s Food Bank to support those in need. Contact: foodshare@bvuuf.org 

Half-Plate Offering -(Each Sunday) Money collected in the offering is split with a local non-profit agency that shares our values.Contact: halfplate@bvuuf.org

Mitten Tree (Dec)  Gloves, scarves, hats for families served by the Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA) Contact: mittentree@bvuuf.org

Share-a-Gift (Dec)  We collect toys for families in Boulder County.  Contact: shareagift@bvuuf.org