Caring for our Congregation
Here at the Fellowship, we try to balance taking care of ourselves and being engaged in the wider world. When we join as members, the congregation pledges to care for us and we are asked to help care for others. Our Caring Council oversees the various ways we do that, everything from bringing meals when someone is recovering from surgery, being a listening ear during life’s difficulties, and even providing practical and spiritual support at end of life. We are here for one another.
Neighbors Caring for Neighbors
Neighborhood Connectors coordinate nearby volunteers to provide short term practical support — such as meals, errands, and rides to appointments — to Fellowship members and their families. We also promote social gatherings and communication within the neighborhoods.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is emotional and spiritual support, and is provided by our minister or one of our trained Lay Pastoral Care Associates.
End of Life Planning
The Fellowship encourages End of Life planning. We have created a helpful planning document and offer a regular series of Thoughtful Ending workshops to assist our congregation and members of the public at large in this endeavor.
Memorial Assistance
When members of our congregation pass away, we have volunteers ready to assist in planning for a memorial service and reception here at the Fellowship. For more information, or to volunteer to assist this committee, contact