Searching for a greater sense of community within the Fellowship?

Sign-up for the September 2024-May 2025 season is happening right now! Sign-up online by Sunday, August 11 here. In-person sign-up will be available immediately after the August 11 service.

Many members and friends of the Fellowship participate in Covenant Groups by supporting each other on their spiritual journeys while forming meaningful relationships with one another. 

These small ministry groups usually meet monthly to explore spiritual themes, listen deeply to each other, and celebrate the connections in their lives. Many groups are formed based on common preferences for location, day, or time, but some covenant groups have a shared identity or interest. (This has included LGBTQIA+, parenting, writers, and more.)

These small ministry groups usually meet monthly to explore spiritual themes, listen deeply to each other, and celebrate the connections in their lives. Many groups are formed based on common preferences for location, day, or time, but some covenant groups have a shared identity or interest. (This has included LGBTQIA+, parenting, writers, and more.)

Covenant Group members commit to support each other for a season of September through May, but some people opt to come back year after year. At the end of the nine months, participants have an opportunity to reflect on their spiritual paths and decide what changes, if any, might enhance the small group experience before mindfully continuing. This also allows us to honor natural changes that come as life evolves and each member grows on their journey.

Covenant groups follow the Soul Matters themes and format or adapt them to fit the needs of the group. With the exception of the summer months, the Fellowship’s services and faith formation programs also follow the monthly themes developed by the The Soul Matters Sharing Circle (see below). Such continuity provides a background through which congregants experience the themes in varied and meaningful ways that become a part of their everyday lives.

For additional information about the Covenant Groups, please contact the Covenant Group Coordinators at

The Soul Matters Sharing Circle, which developed the Soul Matters Small Groups concept, is a network of UU congregations who follow the same monthly themes so we can more easily share covenant group material, as well as worship, sermon, music, and children’s religious education resources. Like other small group programs, the central goal of Soul Matters is to foster circles of trust and deep listening. However, Soul Matters adds five unique components to the model of its program and to the resource packets it develops.

The following summary of what makes a Soul Matters Small Group unique is excerpted from the Soul Matters webpage.

  1. A Journey that the Whole Church Takes Together.

Soul Matters small groups are not a stand-alone program. They are designed as a companion to a congregation’s worship and religious education ministries. Congregations using Soul Matters position their small groups as “an opportunity to explore our congregation’s monthly worship themes in more depth.”

  1. Experience the Theme, Don’t Just Analyze It.

We know that spiritual development requires more than analysis of a topic. There is a deep hunger in all of us for experiential engagement. Honoring this, we include spiritual exercises in each monthly packet that allow participants to move beyond just hearing what theologians have to say about a theme to having an actual experience of that theme in your daily life.

  1. Questions to Walk With, Not Talk Through.

We see thematic questions as tools for individual exploration and spiritual discernment. Instead of asking small groups to discuss questions one at a time during group time, participants read all the questions ahead of time and find the one that speaks to and challenges them personally. Participants then live with that question for a few weeks, coming to their meeting with a story about how their question led them to deeper, personal insight.

  1. A Reminder that UUism is Distinctive, Not an “Anything Goes,” Religion.

Our monthly themes focus on a spiritual value that our UU faith has historically honored and calls us to embody in our lives. At each small group meeting, participants are reminded that our faith promotes a preferred way for us to be in the world.

  1. Soul Matters Adapts to You

Our small group packets are intentionally filled with an abundance of resources so you can modify the use of the packet to match your unique setting.

If you would like to learn more about Covenant Groups, please contact our co-coordinators at