We start the three Sunday Pilot of the new SpiritJam Model for Sunday School on the monthly theme of Justice! Bring items for “Mini-Care Packages” to give to the homeless as our Servicejam project for 3/23, Lent Photo posting for UU’s, books for the Book Cart, register for Summer Day Camp.
9 and 11 a.m. K/Preschool/Nursery- “Rainbows” With Juliette Mettes, high school staff, and helpers Solymar Kneale, 9 a.m., and Morgan Sherwood at 11 a.m. Rainbow fabric, runners, flags, and prisms welcome!
9 a.m. and 11 a.m. SpiritJam Pilot for Kindergarten – Youth and Adults
NOTE SCHEDULE CHANGES for the 3 Sunday Pilot:
1) Participants ( Children, Youth and Adults) will start in the Pauling Room for “CircleJam” with Katie Covey, not in the Sanctuary, for the Sharing Circle. After the 15 minute CircleJam, there will be two or three choices of 30 minutes each.
2) SpiritJam will last until 15 minutes past the hour. Parents are invited to enjoy the coffeehour until 10:15 a.m. or 12:15 p.m.
3) Kindergarteners are invited to “SpiritJam” or to the Beatrix Potter Nursery – Kindergarten Room, whichever would make them most comfortable.
Jams on the theme of Justice offered today:
Opening “Circle Jam” with Katie Covey, DRE. All children, youth and adults interested in attending the Jam start in the Pauling Room (not in the Sanctuary as usual) for the Welcome, the Sharing of Joys and Concern, and an introduction to the Jams. Then we will offer 30 minute rotations of the Jams.
9 and 11 a.m. BodyJam with Jamil – “Just Be a Chalice.” Jamil offered one version of this meditative jam at a Youth Con, which was well-received. We will be exploring contemplative UUism with age-appropriate yoga, contemplation and meditation centered on our UU principles.”
9 and 11 a.m. Tinkerjam with Katie – “Marshmallow and Toothpick Bridge- Building for Justice” Be a Buckminster Fullerite! Find out how balance relates to justice, and communal projects inform our styles.
11 a.m. MusicJam with Melissa – Explore the role of Justice in our community through Music and Drama- Lets Pretend Together. Songs and Stories acted out to understand what it means to be FAIR!
We’d value your comments for this Pilot! Fill out the simple Survey Monkey online after you attend one of the Pilots ( Mar. 9, 16 or 23) or use the print form on the RE Bulletin board. PS. The entire schedule for each Sunday is posted on the RE Bulletin Board.
8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. – 5th Grade Our Whole Lives meets for the first session today at U.U. Church of Boulder. Cindy Beeler, long time OWL leader is representing BVUUF in this collaborative effort between BVUUF and the UU Church of Boulder.
8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. – 7/8th Grade Our Whole Lives meets today.
10:10 a.m. Intergenerational Choir
10 – 11 a.m. Playground – Monitors Needed.
12:15 8/9th Coming of Age – does not meet today.
If any adults are intrigued by one of the Jams for the Pilot, please feel free to join it!
March 16 Jams at 9 and 11 a.m. on the theme of Justice:
NatureJam “Wangari’s Trees of Peace; A True Story from Africa” about the Nobel Prize winner from Kenya. We will visit the BVUUF trees. Katie Covey, leader.
PhotoJam “Celebrate Lent with fellow U.U.’s” Find and post photos on the March 16 word “healing” with Emily Conger. Visit http://practicinglent.tumblr.
11 a.m. TinkerJam with Jamil Scott. Pipe cleaner alphabet sculptures of caring using the book “The Trouble with the Alphabet.”
Mar. 23 Jams on the theme of “Justice”
Youth/Adult WritingJam, 9 a.m. Sunday, March 23 with Karen Douglas, Creative Writing Faculty and member of BVUUF.
ServiceJam In House with Jamil. Beautify the RE rooms.
ServiceJam Out House with Katie. Build Mini Care Packages of donated toothpaste, tissues, etc ( see the donation suggestions below).
Overview of the Pilot for SpiritJam, Sunday mornings 9 and 11 a.m., March 9, 16, and 23. SpiritJam is a new model for the Sunday School hour, cooked up by Katie. We will offer “Tinkerjam,” “MusicJam,” “BodyJam” and “ServiceJam” as 30 minute activity choices for the March theme of “Justice.” SpiritJam in the fall will continue multi-age explorations of each monthly theme for Mind/Body/Spirit with paid lead teachers and also teaching associates. Check out the SpiritJam Proposal for more details. The SpiritJam grant comes from the 21st Century Fund of my professional organization, LREDA (Liberal Religious Directors Assn.)
Children’s Book Cart! The Children’s Book Cart is ready! The cart is similar to the cart of adult books at Unity Plaza. There are picture books, chapter books, YA books, and parenting books. Donations of books, CD’s and DVD’s welcome, bring to the RE office. Books will be sold for $1 or “whatever it is worth to you” to benefit the School of the Spirit Fund.
Summer Arts Jam, June 2-6, 2014. Our popular Day Camp for Preschool – 5th graders. Come immerse yourself in Unitarian Universalism and the Arts. Registration is now online. Visit the Summer Camp Page for more information. Counselor (high school) and Counselor in Training (middle school) applications available online, too.
Recommended Preschool Books – I am collecting great book ideas for an update to the Chalice Children curriculum for the UUA. I’d be grateful to see any books you’ve loved and promise to return them in a week! Themes are Helping Others, Shadows, Differences, Being Sad, Fears, Wonder of the Moon, Stars, Weather, Love, Holidays, Wonder, Awe, Gratitude, among others.
Mini-Care Packages – Donations are needed for 3/23 ServiceJam project – small travel items like toothpaste, soap, tissues, comb, candle, matches, emergency blanket, razor, wet wipes, First Aid, hand sanitizer, granola bars, small deodorant, cracker packages, thin gloves, bus passes, etc. that will be packed in a ziploc bag and handed out to congregants willing to keep them in their purse or glove compartment to give to the homeless. There is a donations box next to the RE Bulletin Board in the RE hall.
- Emily Conger, Youth Coordinator , youthcoordinator@bvuuf.org
- Jamil Scott, Religious Education Assistant, assistantre@bvuuf.org
- Melissa Williams, Youth and Intergenerational Choirs Director, melissamusic1@gmail.com
- Katie Covey, Director of Religious Education, dirrectorre@bvuuf.org