Aug.24, 2014 School of the Spirit Weekly Update

Kindergarten – All grades:  ” Animal Blessing”  Children, youth and other species will attend the service in the Nature Playground with their families. This is an outdoor service. There will be chairs, canopies, and blankets. You may wish to wear a hat.  Bring your cross-species family members (dogs, cats, chickens, fish, geckos, hamsters have all attended. Pictures and mementos are welcome, too. If you don’t have an animal in your life, feel free to come and enjoy, too!) Join the fun and thoughtful moments as we “give worth” to the pets who journey with us.

Preschool/Nursery- loving care with our staffers, Alyssa and Emily. It is your choice today if you would like to keep your wee ones with you, or invite them to enjoy the Preschool/Nursery for part or all of the time.

All congregation Potluck after the service today!




Water Slide at the W408__350x350_25 Jungle surf n slideater Service, Sunday, Sept.7, 9 or 11 a.m.!

As part of celebrating the element of water, we will have a 25′ WATER SLIDE on the front lawn. Children and Youth will be invited to enjoy it during part of the services, and then ALL AGES may play after each service. Rev. Lydia has vowed to slide, will you? Come dressed in old clothes, or a bathing suit!


Sunday, August 31, 10 a.m. on Labor Day Weekend, there will be informal activities for the last of our Summer Sundays.


 Special EnsoJams on theme of Unity  September 21, 2014 School of the Spirit, 9 and 11  a.m.

Special session for adults and youth, 12:30 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Space is limited to 12 participants, cost$20. .

“Enso/Zen Circles” meditation with artist Lisa Gyako Schaewe

Meditation then painting with horsehair brushes on rice paper. The enso,  zen circle, is unity in breath, body and mind. The morning EnsoJam at 9 and 11 a.m. is open to all ages.

About the Artist

Lisa’s view and process as an artist are deeply informed by her years as a Zen student. She engages in creative process as a form of meditation practice. For her, art making is a way to appreciate the potential held within the open space of not knowing and to directly experience the sacred, interconnected ground of being. In addition to her work as an artist, Lisa is a licensed professional counselor  and art psychotherapist maintaining a private practice in Boulder, CO.  She is adjunct faculty at Naropa University and facilitates Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction groups and workshops combining contemplative practice and creative process.





September’s theme is Unity. So far, we have brainstormed

  • StoryJam and TinkerJam of “Bundle of Sticks” with storyteller Wynn Montgomery,
  • BodyJam called “The Human Machine” and “Knots”
  • MusicJam with drumming (one rhythm!)
  • and a ServiceJam of helping with EmergencyPreparedness Kits.

Want to join in the fun? Have an idea to explore “Unity?” Contact Katie, see below.

School of the Spirit Staff:

  • Emily CongerYouth Coordinator , 
  • Rachel StevensonSpiritJam Teacher and Religious Education Assistant, 
  • Michael Newman, SpiritJam Teacher
  • Katie CoveyDirector of Religious Education,