At its regular monthly meeting on March 18, the BVUUF Board of Officers and Trustees took the following business actions:
- Amended the motion adopted in February to provide funding for members of under-represented groups to attend this year’s UUA General Assembly. The amendment added eligibility for funding to three part-time staff members who do not have access to professional development funds. Funding is now available for up to 15 members or part-time staff who identify as young adults, Black people, Indigenous people, people of color, disabled people, LGBTQIA, others of limited financial means, and youth to attend and/or serve as delegates to the UUA General Assembly and up to 6 others not in the above categories to serve as delegates to the Assembly.
- Approved a revised building project budget. This amount will cover remaining items needed for the building, including security cameras, telephones, AV equipment, furniture and fixtures, and landscaping, as well as a payment from unused contingency funds to reduce the amount of our long-term loan.
- Established a short-term logistics task force that will make sure logistics are in place to begin a phased opening of the new building when COVID-19 conditions allow.
The Board also decided to:
- Tentatively change the date of our this year’s Annual Meeting from June 5 to June 12, so that it does not conflict with a kickoff event by the Mountain Top, the BIPOC ministry supported by BVUUF and other local congregations.
- Issue a statement of support for Asian-American community members and friends.
The next regular Board Meeting will be on April 15, 2021, 6:30-9:00 PM, via Zoom and the May meeting will be on May 20, 2021.