It was another busy month for your Board with two meetings and several significant decisions. We approved a budget request from the Building Committee and added hours to the job description of the Office Support Specialist position using additional funding from the Combined Campaigns Committee. We also approved our Board Goals for 2017-18; continued our discussion of Soul, Salsa & Spirit; and decided on the Board’s Auction offering. After a detailed presentation from the Immigration Task Force, we agreed to collaborate with the Committee on Shared Ministries (CoSM) to determine the appropriate level of future congregational involvement. We continued to discuss the prairie dog invasion and agreed to recruit a task force to analyze the problem in detail and to propose solutions. We received a report on security gaps (developed in conjunction with a representative from Homeland Security) and agreed on the need to appoint a Security Team to recommend specific improvements needed. We discussed the need to advertise the November 12 meeting at which the congregation will vote on the goal for the Capital Campaign.
~ Wynn Montgomery, Secretary of the Board