Your Board met twice in March—for its regular monthly meeting and a week later for further discussion of unfinished business—and took the following actions:
- Review progress toward the Board’s Goals for 2017-18
- Approved a Consent Agenda consisting of financial reports, February Board minutes, minutes of the February MOMM
- Approved suspending 30 day rule so that new members who join on April 14 can vote for the major decision on April 29
- Approved DeAnna Hoyle’s request for family leave from April 23-May 31 contingent upon approval of a detailed plan for effective operation of School of the Spirit during her absence
- Appointed a Board Liaison (Robert Nichols) to the DRE Transition Team
- Approved adding the Vice President of the Board to the list of persons authorized to sign checks on behalf of BVUUF.
- Discussed a variety of inter-related personnel issues in Executive Session.
-Submitted by Wynn Montgomery, Board Secretary