At its regular meeting on February 20, the Board of Officers and Trustees approved a proposal to appoint Doug Schmidt as Apprentice Board Treasurer from February 20 through June 30, 2020.
Doug will be nominated for the Treasurer position for the 2020-2021 Fellowship year. (No other candidates have come forward.) Doug is also willing to serve as an apprentice before his formal nomination in order to speed up the learning curve for this position. As an apprentice, Doug will not have access to Fellowship funds and will sign a confidentiality agreement about pledges and other financial business.
The Board also discussed the following topics:
Board Trustee Position Nominees: Board members reported on their conversations with potential nominees for the three Trustee positions that will be open next year. At this point, one person has expressed willingness to be nominated to serve as a Trustee. The Board will continue to seek two more Trustee nominees.
LUUP Activities: Board President Marky Lloyd announced that she will attend the Longmont Unitarian Universalist Presence (LUUP) dinner church on February 21 to present the BVUUF Board’s resolution commending LUUP leadership on receiving a UU Funding Program $20,000 grant. Rev. Lydia noted that LUUP will use part of that grant to develop funding strategies. She also reported that LUUP minister Emily Conger’s hours are being increased to 20 per week. Emily is now a contractor, but with her expanded hours, she will become a Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder (UUCB) employee. BVUUF and UUCB jointly support the LUUP.
Congregational Assessment Instrument: Board members filled out the Congregational Assessment Tool that Vice President Nancy DiLaura received at her recent leadership training. Members shared perspectives about the strengths of the Fellowship and areas that could be improved.
For more information about any of these topics, please contact Gloria Pearlstein at
The Board’s next regular meeting will be held on March 19, 2020, from 6:00-8:30 p.m., at Frasier Retirement Community.