June 2, 2013 Religious Education Update

how-to-draw-a-simple-flower-step-3One service at 10 a.m. All are welcome to join the service in the Sanctuary.

“Please pick up your children from the Summer Sunday Program staff by 11:15 a.m., after the service. You and your family may stay and play in the playground and visit, if you so desire.

10 a.m. Intergenerational Service: Flower Ceremony Service

10 a.m. Preschool/ Nursery: Emily Soder and Juliette Mettes will  provide childcare, games and much love for our preschool and nursery children.


Summer Change in Service Time: Starting May 26 through Labor Day, there will only be ONE Service at 10 a.m. with simultaneous multi-age children’s program. Holiday Sundays ( Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day) we will provide informal games and childcare.

Next year’s program – how do you want to join? Check it out here.

Dharma Camp Preparation:

We still need junk for the Dharma Camp junk sculpture room next week. Tubes, oatmeal boxes, junk treasures, just no dangerous wire, edges and no styrofoam please. Thanks!
Also needed:
1) Friendly, caged pets to visit for our Zoo Room.
2) Zabuton meditation pillows to borrow for the Meditation Room.
3) SUV or truck to pick up archery equipment and hay bale on Friday in Boulder.
All are invited to witness the Kyudu (archery) presentation by Shibata Sensei, bowmaker to the Emperor (retired) on Friday, June 7 at 2 p.m. and then join us for our ice cream finale for camp.
Looking forward to it! There are 49 children attending, 16 Middle School youth, 8 High School youth, and 8 adults.

Coming of Age Guide needed for 2013/14- 2x/mo (Sept. – May), Sundays 12:30 – 2 p.m. Reflect/mentor/listen with eight 8/9th graders as they explore our U.U. faith. Two retreats.  Join Linda Spencer and Laura Murray, guides. Contact me if you are interested.

Summer Sundays (10 a.m.) Memorial Day through Labor Day. Jamil Scott and Fiona Freeman-Grundei will offer a multi-age program “Buddhism U.U. Style.” Preschool will be open.

Needed: simple cardboard or wooden Puppet Theatre by next fall for the preschool.

Emily CongerYouth Coordinator
Jamil ScottReligious Education Assistant
Katie CoveyDirector of Religious Education

Boulder Valley U.U. Fellowship, 303-665-4280 x 104