May 5, 2013 RE Weekly Update





Kindergarten – 5th graders – “Transformation Children’s Chapel” Bring your transformers to Chapel! After gathering with families in the sanctuary, we will exit to the Children’s Chapel for reflect on the theme of the month – “Transformation” and how might we capture the children’s imaginations? Why, with the toy Transformers, of course! We will also be highlighting the way caterpillars transform into butterflies.

Preschool (2 1/2 yrs.+ and potty trained): “Chalice Children: Painting clay chalices ” with Dana and Chelsea, preschool staff teachers.

Babies/Toddlers (0-2 1/2)Loving Care with Juliette in the Nursery/Preschool, or visit our Cuddle Room with sound and rocking chairs, off the Sanctuary.

Playground Monitors: (10 – 11 a.m. between services) Needed.

 Our Whole Lives (O.W.L.) Human Sexuality Classes:

  • 7/8th Grade O.W.L. – All done! Thanks to Luis Uribe, Emily Conger, Laura Murray and Scott Sewell.
  • 5th Grade O.W.L. – 8:45 a.m. – 10:10 a.m. Sunday with Cindy Beeler, Scott McCollom, Laura Murray, and Paul Jones.


Fire Circle Sing-a-long, Saturday, May 4, 6 p.m.  Bob Warden and other guitarists will lead camp songs. We will provide the fire and marshmallows and sticks, you bring other S’more Makings. Location: BVUUF Nature Playground logs and Fire Circle.  All ages welcome, bring a lawn chair  or sit on the logs.

Fieldtest the “Flowing River” Preschool next year! 11 a.m. adult teachers needed as we work on bringing spiritual direction using Puppets to 3,4,5 year olds. Join Rachel Setzke, Missy Perrine and Laura McCollom as we craft our own spiritual curriculum. Intrigued? See me, Katie.

Also needed is a simple cardboard or wooden Puppet Theatre by next fall for the preschool.


Dharma Summer Day Camp  Information and registration  on the website June 3 – 7, 2013 for K-5th graders. Interfaith Buddhist and U.U. Summer Camp led by Jamil Scott, Naropa student, and myself. Note: We already have 30 signed up.

  • NEW for CampPreschool Group (with adult attending). – There will be a Preschool Group at Dharma Camp so the adults may attend and bring the younger ones. Adults need to be on site with a preschooler. Register on the website and use the “barter” button so you don’t pay tuition if the adult is attending.

Coming of Age Guides needed for 2013/14- 2x/mo (Sept. – May), Sundays 12:30 – 2 p.m. Reflect/mentor/listen with eight 8/9th graders as they explore our U.U. faith. Two retreats.  Contact me if you are interested.

Children’s Summer Gardener needed – Our flower garden and vegetable garden need a supervisor for the summer. See Katie, if interested and check out the cutest garden gate that Larry Arp has built!

Summer Sundays (10 a.m.) Memorial Day through Labor Day. Jamil Scott will offer a multi-age program “Buddhism U.U. Style.” Preschool will be open.

Grounds Care Day, Saturday morning, May 11. There will be work on the playground – demolishing the playhouse. Families welcome!

Youth Ministry Newsletter by Emily, full of conference info, Summer Quest Camps, lots!

Emily Conger
Youth Coordinator
Jamil ScottReligious Education Assistant
Katie CoveyDirector of Religious Education

Boulder Valley U.U. Fellowship, 303-665-4280 x 104