In early September 2023, Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry informed us that she would be ending her ministry with us after 16 years, effective at the end of January 2024. (Her resignation letter and a message from the President of the Board can be found at this link.)

It was our great honor and privilege to plan a fitting and meaningful ending to what was a beautiful and long tenure as our minister. We had celebrations and closing rituals, as well as numerous sad and sweet conversations with her, as we said goodbye.

Following a process that is well laid out and supported by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), our Interim Search Committee guided us through the UUA’s process of being matched with an Interim Minister. We are very pleased that Rev. Barbara Coeyman will serve as our Interim Minister for the next two years, beginning August 1, 2024. We anticipate calling a new settled minister to begin serving in August of 2026.

Helpful Resources:

FAQs about our Fellowship’s Ministerial Transition

Details about our Fellowship’s Ministerial Transition Timeline

UUA’s Transitional Ministry Handbook

Other UUA ministerial transition resources

In the Interim, by Barbara Child and Keith Kron