Centering prayer special guest, sign up to bring bread on Nov. 22, Youth Group plays Mafia….
9 and 11 a.m. Full Community Gathering in the Sanctuary, first 15 minutes. Preschool/Nursery will be open.
9 a.m. School of the Spirit
9 a.m. Puppet Preschool/Nursery- “Rainbow Fish” The puppets learn about the happiness of giving. With Juliette Mettes and Emily Soder, high school staffers, and Talia Ferrante-Roseberry, helper.
9 a.m. Kindergarten – 6th Grade: World Religions: “Sitti’s Secrets” Evan and Theresa Kneale, leaders. A girl remembers her visit with her Sitti, her Palestinian grandmother, far away across the ocean.
9 a.m. 1st/2nd Grade Our Whole Lives (OWL) Human Sexuality: Alcott Room with Renee Price, David Judd and Carol Hughes, leaders. Class is closed to promote trust and confidentiality.
8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. 7/8th Our Whole Lives (OWL) Human Sexuality: Barnum Room with Heather Munro, Jamil Scott, Emily Conger and Scott McCollom. Class is closed to promote trust and confidentiality.
9 a.m. 7-12th grade youth are welcome to help in the Children’s Chapel or attend the service.
10:00 a.m. School of the Spirit
Family Meditation Practice – “Centering Prayer” with special guest, JB Goodier, 10:15 a.m. – 10: 40 a.m. Pauling. Bring a cushion or blanket for the Pauling Room.
Nature Playground – Amanda Birmingham and Caroline Ortega, playground monitors 10 – 11 a.m. Volunteers – Sign up online or on the clipboard in the RE hall to enjoy the fall sunshine and help keep our playground safe.
10:10 a.m. Youth Choir – Youth Choir ages – 3rd grade and higher – rehearsing for the Nov. 22 Bread Service and December Singing. Alcott Room.
11 a.m. School of the Spirit
11 a.m. Puppet Preschool/Nursery- “Rainbow Fish” The puppets learn about the happiness of giving. With Juliette Mettes and Emily Soder, high school staffers, and Morgan Sherwood, helper.
11 a.m. Kindergarten – 3rd Grade: Picture Book World Religions: “Sitti’s Secrets” with Stef Moriarty plus Melissa Williams for 20 minutes of Chalice Choir singing. A girl remembers her visit with her Sitti, her Palestinian grandmother, far away across the ocean.
11 a.m. 4-6th Grades: “Inventions” with Katie Covey and Fiona Freeman-Grundei. We will be sharing the inventive spirit and curiosity for which UU’s are famous, plus hearing about Rube Goldberg’s crazy inventions.
11 a.m. Youth Group 7-12th Grades: Teambuilding plus play Mafia and Werewolves. For other information, check out Emily Conger’s Youth Ministry Blog
12:15 p.m. 8/9th Coming of Age: “Severance from childhood” with Laura Murray and David Hughes.
Kids food needed for Auction – can you donate a simple food for the 12 children who will be in childcare for the auction? Contact Katie.
Your ethnic heritage and bread: Sign up online to bring a bread from your ethnic heritage for our Annual Sharing of Breads Service, Sunday, 11/22.
Child Dedication for Christmas Eve Services, 3 and 5 p.m. Dec. 24. Interested in having your baby or child dedicated in U.U. tradition? Christmas Eve is one of the times we offer this ceremony. Contact Katie if you are interested. Read more about child dedications on the UUA website.
Save the dates! Chalica Winter Break Camp, Sunday Dec. 29, 1 p.m. – Tues. Dec. 31, 3 p.m. Day Camp for Kindergarteners – 5th Graders.
- Emily Conger, Youth Coordinator ,
- Jamil Scott, Religious Education Assistant,
- Melissa Williams, Youth and Intergenerational Choirs Director,
- Katie Covey, Director of Religious Education,