Explore the theme of Vision with a TarotJam, Fortune Telling and OuijiJam. We will be predicting the future!
9 and 11 a.m. Kindergarten and up (adults invited too!):
CircleJam (the Opening): The last Sunday of our Vision theme with Crazy Glasses, Rainbow Peepholes, and Clear stones for “Clarity of Vision.” What will the future bring, what are our hopes and dreams? Can you really tell what will happen in the future? This will be one of the times when we “learn to love the questions.” Rainier Maria Rilke.
9 and 11 a.m. OijiJam, TarotJam, Fortunetelling with Michael and Rachel
11 a.m. – Tarot Readings with Clara Kelly!
9 and 11 a.m. Preschool/Nursery- with Miss Ari, Early Childhood Music Specialist and Teacher. Fifth graders and older are invited to be a helper at either 9 or 11 a.m. Sign up online.
7/8th Grade Our Whole Lives (O.W.L.) – 8:45 -10:15 a.m. with Emily Conger and Scott McCollom.
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Adult Discussion Group: Judaism presented by Lisa Ogle .1 session exploration of the Hebrew faith in the Thoreau Room.
Playground Monitors: Caroline and King Medlin, 10 – 11 a.m. Sign up online for another Sunday or on the bulletin board.
Read more about our unique experimental SpiritJam model at www.spiritjam.info Join us as we co-create this experimental program with paid lead teachers and monthly themes!
Pumpkin Glow, Sunday, Oct. 26, 5-7 p.m. Finger Food Potluck and BYO Pumpkin, carving tools and candle. Carve your pumpkin then sing songs by the glow of all of the pumpkins. Tip: Bring your pumpkin pre-scooped if possible, saves time. Brought to you by the Family Activities Group.
Sunday, Nov. 2 – “Day of Remembrance” Service during which time we remember the loved ones who have passed away. Bring a momento, picture or use one of our roses as we share the names. Kindergarteners and older will start in the service. K- 4th are invited to join Katie and the SpiritJam Staff as we share “Badger’s Parting Gifts” and reflections on death, then we will rejoin as a full community for the remembrance ceremony during which time mementos are placed on our special altar.
2015 BVUUF Peace and Justice Day Camp Planning Committee– November 2 at 12:30 in the Pauling room. Be a part of this group that will meet a few times to create content/jams for camp, address some issues that came up this year, and recruit volunteers for next year. Child care provided. If you’d like to learn more about camp, join the Planning Committee, or volunteer the week of, please talk to Katie Covey or Rachel Setzke, rachelsetzke@gmail.com.
Name Tag Station: Want a nametag and a lanyard to decorate with beads? Register online then pick it up at BVUUF on Sundays and choose a shoelace lanyard at the Name Tag Station.
Upcoming Adult Classes:
Sundays, Nov. 2 and on – Tapes on Buddhism (note- no meeting Sunday, Oct. 26)
Sunday Classes on World Religions
- Sunday, Oct. 26 Judaism presented by Lisa Ogle This is a 1 session exploration of the Hebrew faith from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. in the Thoreau Room.
- Sunday, Nov. 2 and 16 Catholicism with Jean Nuttal facilitating a 2 session class Sunday Nov 2 and 16 at 12:30-2:30 p.m. in the Thoreau Room.
- Sunday, Nov. 9 Buddhism presented by Ani Liggett in a 1 session class at 12:30 p.m. in the Thoreau Room.
- Sunday, Nov. 23 Christianity facilitated by Jean Cannella, a 1 session class at 9-10:30 a.m. in the Thoreau Room.
- Sunday, Dec. 7 Mormonism presented by Linda Thornton and Laura Murray, a 1 session class from 12:30-2 p.m. in the Thoreau Room.
- Sunday, Dec. 14 Humanism facilitated by Dave Leonard, a 1 session class from 12:30-2 p.m. in the Thoreau Room.The A-RE committee is still discussing the possibility of presenting other religions such as Islam and Hinduism.
This is the first time we are having classes in this manner; it should be an adventure. No formal fee is being requested for participation in these classes. Jean Cannella for the A-RE and Life Long Learning jmcannella@yahoo.com
Your School of the Spirit Staff:
- Emily Conger, Youth Coordinator, youthcoordinator@bvuuf.org
- Ari Flauta, Early Childhood Teacher, preschool@bvuuf.org
- Rachel Stevenson, SpiritJam Teacher and Religious Education Assistant, assistantre@bvuuf.org
- Michael Newman, SpiritJam Teacher, spiritjam@bvuuf.org
- Katie Covey, Director of the School of the Spirit, dirrectorre@bvuuf.org