Our Social Justice Affirmations
The 8th principle:
“We, the member congregations of the Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
Boulder Valley UU Fellowship
Affirmation and Adoption of the 8th Principle at the Congregational Meeting, June 4, 2022
Social Justice Initiatives
(affirmed and adopted June 4, 2022)
As a Unitarian Universalist congregation, we are dedicated to the principles of human dignity and the interconnection of all creation. Our faith asks that we bring our heads, hearts, and hands to the work of creating a more just and compassionate world. These justice initiatives
Each area of engagement will include the following components: education, including a racial justice analysis; justice/systemic change; connection with communities; direct service with affected individuals; and a contact person within the congregation.
Immigration Justice
As Unitarian Universalists, we understand that our lives are profoundly interconnected with all people, and that when one of us suffers, we are all affected.
We recognize that unjust immigration policy has been dehumanizing and cruel to whole populations of people.
We commit ourselves to immigrant advocacy and policy reform.
Our vision is to help create a more compassionate society for all.
Contact: Bob Norris
Mental Health
As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that all people deserve to feel acceptance and belonging.
We recognize that stigma around mental illness and lack of access to mental health services leads to isolation, and even death.
We commit ourselves to reducing systemic oppression, and becoming a supportive anti-oppressive community for those with mental health challenges.
Our vision is to create a safer and more understanding society for everyone across the mental health spectrum.
Contacts: Kathy Partridge, Rosemary Arp
Climate Justice
As Unitarian Universalists, we respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
We recognize the systemic degradation of the planet, which jeopardizes the future of all life on the planet, and disproportionately affects communities of color.
Therefore, we commit ourselves to combating the causes of, and to embracing the multiple solutions to, the climate crisis.
Our vision is to help create a sustainable planet for future generations.
Therefore, BVUUF will begin the Green Sanctuary certification process.
Contact: Sheri Price
Welcoming Congregation
As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that all ways of loving are sacred.
We recognize that LGBTQIA2S+ people are targeted and oppressed in many places and by heteronormative practices in our culture. We want to see our Queer and gender non-conforming siblings shine in the glow of who they are, not be repressed and discriminated against.
We commit ourselves to stand with LGBTQIA2S+ people and their right to be seen, valued, and loved just as they are.
Our vision is to create a society where everyone is accepted and welcomed irrespective of their gender identity and/or sexual orientation and expression.
Contact: Clara Kelley
We anticipate that other social justice issues may become primary in subsequent years, and also recognize the intersectionality of issues. In each of these justice areas, we commit to educating ourselves, realigning our resources, engaging in direct service, and working for systemic change along with those most affected by these issues.
What does affirming these justice initiatives mean?
● These initiatives will guide the social justice initiatives, without excluding other direct service and justice activities in which the congregation is already engaged.
● Congregational leadership will prioritize community connections, education, direct service, Sunday services, resources and systemic change efforts in these areas.
● These affirmations will be prominently communicated on our website, as well as in other publications.
● The goal is to make our work in these areas visible to the community and to ensure that anyone who joins us in Fellowship can easily put their faith into action in these justice initiatives.
● All groups working on behalf of these issues must ensure that there are relationships partnered and led by those most affected.
● Our ministers and leadership on a Board, Committee, Council or Task Force can speak on behalf of the congregation in ways that are aligned to these justice initiatives such as signing letters of support, advocating for the cause etc. Any such advocacy will require informing the group to which they are accountable (e.g. Board, COSM, Councils).
● Any congregational advocacy does not take away from individual opinions or advocacy on these issues. Congregational leadership will continue to welcome discussion and diversity of opinion.
● These initiatives will be voted on annually at a congregational meeting and may remain the same or change at that time.