9 and 11 a.m. School of the Spirit (aka Religious Education) Fall Theme: World Religions
Full Community Gathering in the Sanctuary, first 15 minutes. Children/Youth attend with their parents. Preschool/Nursery is open.
9 a.m.Kindergarten – 6th Grade: “Sacred Places” with Sarah Pritchard and Hope Collins. An introduction to some of the most sacred places in the world–highlighting the five major world religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.)
9 a.m. Puppet Preschool/ Nursery- Each Breath a Smile, A new program using puppets to explore preschool life issues. Teacher Missi Perrine, Juliette Mettes, high school staffer, and Molokai Lemur, helper.
7/8th Our Whole Lives (OWL) Human Sexuality Class: 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Barnum Room with Heather Munro, Jamil Scott, Judy Feland and Scott McCollom. Class is closed to promote trust and confidentiality.
9 a.m. 7-12th grade youth are welcome to help in a younger class or attend the service.
11 a.m. K-3rd Grades: Picture Book World Religions- “Sacred Places” with Lu Wright and John Hoebel. An introduction to some of the most sacred places in the world–highlighting the five major world religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.)
11 a.m. 4-6th Grades: “Neighboring Faiths- Opening Sunday” with Katie Covey and Jamil Scott. Potato Worship, “Each is different, All are equal” – the Buddha.
11 a.m. Youth Group 7-12th Grades: “Scavenger Hunt” with Emily Conger, Youth Coordinator. Check out Emily Conger’s Youth Ministry Blog for LOTS of information about Ninth Grade Trip Orientation, Coming of Age, OWL, Youth Group and more!
Playground Monitor needed 10 – 11 a.m. this Sunday. Sign up online or on the clipboard in the RE hall.
Youth Choir Rehearsal 10:10 a.m. Alcott Room – Parent Meeting for the new year.
Registration this Sunday, Sept. 15, 22, 29 in the R.E. Hall – or ONLINE for CHILREN (Nursery/Preschool thru 6th) and ONLINE for YOUTH (7th – 12th). We welcome donations of supplies (Tissues, construction paper, glue sticks, scissors, etc. or even $5 toward supplies).
Donate to 0ur Scholarship/Sliding Scale Tuition Fund at the Registration Table. Your help with a $5 to $100 donation enables us to help needy families attend our Camps, Coming of Age, and OWL programs. Checks to BVUUF memo: “CYRE scholarship fund.”
Teacher needed: 11 a.m. Picture Book World Religions. 1 – 2x/mo. Read stories from various world religions with a follow up activity. Teach with Lu Wright and John Hoebel, and Stephanie Moriarty. Calendar here.
Puppet Preschool: Adult needed for November, 9 or 11 a.m. Each adult teacher will teach for 1 month at a time, to provide consistency, along with Juliette Mettes, our high school preschool staffer, and a 5-8th grade Volunteer Helper. If you would like to join Missi Perrine, Rachael Setzke, Laura McCollom and Derrick Belanger in this fieldtest, contact Katie. 9 a.m. Calendar online ;11 a.m. Calendar online
Note: First Grade Our Whole Lives (OWL) will start in October. Preregister with Katie. (Fifth Grade OWL will be offered in the Spring)
3,4,5th Grade Chalice Champs – You and your family are invited to sit in the “Chalice Champs” seat, next to Sam and the piano. By sitting there, the worship leaders knows who the Chalice Champ is, and that’s you!
Elementary OWL leader training, Fri. evening through Saturday evening, Oct 11 – 12, in Colorado Springs. Come and be an OWL leader for either 1st or 5th grade! This is the required training. BVUUF will pay in exchange for your leadership. There’s home hospitality available with congregants of All Souls UU Church. Join this life-changing mission, and the great tribe of trained OWL leaders at BVUUF (29 people!).
Navigators USA (a secular, inclusive, coed scouting organization founded 10 years ago with help from All Souls UU in New York),
Place: Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship,
Emily Conger, Youth Coordinator
Jamil Scott, Religious Education Assistant
Melissa Williams, Youth and Intergenerational Choirs Director
Katie Covey, Director of Religious Education
Boulder Valley U.U. Fellowship, 303-665-4280 x 104