Explore the theme of Unity with ServiceJams: Emergency Preparedness Kit Making and Grounds beautification plus a story by Wynn Montgomery, open to all ages.
9 and 11 a.m. Kindergarten* and up (adults invited too!):
CircleJam: Ingathering for all. Our own Storyteller Wynn Montgomery illustrates the theme of Unity with the story “A Bundle of Sticks.”
Kit ServiceJam: SpiritJam leader Rachel works part for BVUUF and part AmeriCorps. Join her to create Emergency Preparedness Kits for Boulder County Care Connect, an organization that works with the elderly to bring food and supplies. In the Spirit of Unity, and in line with our 7th Principle: Interconnected web of which we are all a part, SpiritJam will be making emergency preparedness kits to help others in our community.
Grounds ServiceJam with Michael, SpiritJam leader. The In-house ServiceJam benefits our grounds in unity with nature, as we pick up twigs, trash, and then add chalk welcome messages, just like in Mary Poppins.
*Note: Kindergarteners are invited to choose between SpiritJam and Miss Ari’s class, depending on their comfort level.
9 and 11 a.m. Preschool/Nursery- “Tour of the Church” with Alyssa Axe. Fifth graders and older are invited to be a helper at either 9 or 11 a.m. Sign up online.
Read more about our experimental SpiritJam model at www.spiritjam.info
Orientation for Parents and Ninth Graders to the 50th Ninth Grade Trip to Hopi/Navaho Lands with Mitch Pingel, Trip Staffer. 12:30 p.m. this Sunday, Sept. 28, Barnum Room.
Young Adult OWL (Our Whole Lives Human Sexuality Class)
Young Adult OWL at UU Church of Boulder Oct 12-Nov 16. 6 sessions, $30 for registration or $20 for members of UUCB or BVUUF.Registration and Information Online Please contact Kelsie.Kline@colorado.edu if you have any questions.
First Grade OWL (Our Whole Lives Sexuality Class)
Will not be offered this fall as we are in need of leaders. Let Katie know if you are interested in being an OWL leader for 1st, 5th or 7th grade OWL.
7/8th Grade OWL leader
We need a female leader to complete the team for 7th grade OWL with Luis Uribe, Scott McCollom, and Emily Conger. After a weekend training and background check, you would be teaching about 1-2x per month from 8:45 – 10:15 a.m. on Sundays. Join us for this life-changing offering! Check out the Calendar for exact dates of the 7/8th OWL class.
8/9th Grade Coming of Age Guide
We are in search of a male guide to complete the expert team of Emily Conger, Linda Spencer and Laura Murray. Join them and Rev. Lydia as we help our youth deepen their ties to the congregation and understand Unitarian Universalism. There are 2 retreats, and Opening and Closing Ceremony, and Youth Sunday. In between the group meets about 2x per month from 12:30 – 2 p.m. Sundays. Check out the calendar for exact dates of Coming of Age.
Playground Monitors Needed this Sunday and other Sundays
10 – 11 a.m. Sundays. Playground Monitor Job Description
Sign up online or on the bulletin board. Thanks!
The Two Best Ways to keep up to date on SpiritJam:
1) Subscribe to the weekly update on the sidebar and get the current events delivered right to your email.
2) Register your baby or child(ren) (K-6th) for SpiritJam – online on the SpiritJam Page or on the laptops in the SpiritJam Lab in September. Youth (7th – 12th grades) register on the Youth Page
“Vision” theme for October. We are planning mini-Vision Quests, Tarot, CropWalk ServiceJam, black box science and kaleidoscopes, plus stories of “The Blindmen and the Elephant,” “Thomas Potter and John Murray, Universalists,” and “Elijah and the Still, Small Voice.” If you have an idea or activity for “Vision” explorations for mind, body or spirit, let Katie know! Join us as we co-create this experimental program with paid lead teachers and monthly themes!
2015 BVUUF Peace and Justice Day Camp Planning Committee– November 2 at 12:30 in the Pauling room. Be a part of this group that will meet a few times to create content/jams for camp, address some issues that came up this year, and recruit volunteers for next year. If you need child care, please let Katie Covey know, directorre@bvuuf.org. If you’d like to learn more about camp, join the Planning Committee, or volunteer the week of, please talk to Katie Covey or Rachel Setzke, rachelsetzke@gmail.com.
The Kids Book Cart has raised over $200 for the School of the Spirit Fund, which provides scholarships and sliding scale fees for our tuition classes, as well as helps to support SpiritJam. There are some great books there, and it also provides a welcoming place for visiting families to browse. Thank you for donating your books and for purchasing new ones from the cart! Thanks to Gail Evertz for the idea and for maintaining it, and Sue Mundell for helping fund the cart.
Your School of the Spirit Staff:
- Emily Conger, Youth Coordinator, youthcoordinator@bvuuf.org
- Ari Flauta, Early Childhood Teacher, preschool@bvuuf.org
- Rachel Stevenson, SpiritJam Teacher and Religious Education Assistant, assistantre@bvuuf.org
- Michael Newman, SpiritJam Teacher, spiritjam@bvuuf.org
- Katie Covey, Director of the School of the Spirit, dirrectorre@bvuuf.org