We will explore Principle #4: A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Using the story of Rev. James Reeb as background, we’ll reflecting upon our own narratives about race and how they shape, or misshape, truth. Reeb was the Unitarian Universalist minister who died in Birmingham Alabama in 1965 after being attacked by white men in Selma. No one was ever charged in his death, and to this day, the stories surrounding it seek to absolve Alabama of its racist history. In this racialized culture that continues to this day, how do the stories we hear (and tell) shape what we believe to be true?
Reading from Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s Eulogy of Rev. James Reeb, Thomas Christopher:
“Race, Narratives, and Truths,” Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry:
Topics: Principles