What inspires you to connect to the rest of nature and create a life affirming society?
The EcoJustice Action Group is dedicated to bringing the UUA 7th Principle and “web of life” programs to the congregation and wider community. Our main focus is responding to climate change through diverse programming designed to encourage changing life practices, individually and institutionally. This includes the process of applying for the UUA Ministry for Earth’s Green Sanctuary Certification as a resource umbrella for deepening BVUUF’s commitment to our shared environment.
By acting together we:
- Utilize the “Our Place in the Web of Life” curriculum to engage the congregation in various waste, energy, land, water and climate issues through an EcoJustice lens.
- Form relationships with the Sunday Service Associates and Lifespan Faith Formation (known as the School of the Spirit at the Fellowship) as part of a long term commitment to greening our sanctuary building and our own actions.
- Learn from the spiritual traditions of our indigenous neighbors and deepen our relationship with the indigenous communities who call Boulder home through participation in and support for Right Relationship Boulder and the Interfaith Luncheon on Indigenous People’s Day.
- Understand the climate impacts and ethical importance of a vegetarian diet through film and books discussions, complemented by vegan pot lucks.
- Network with GreenFaith Boulder, Interfaith Power and Light, UUA climate activists and local environmental groups to act together to bring about political and social change.
- Promote fair trade, organic coffee and chocolate, with funds supporting both Fellowship and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s Fair Trade Project.
- In the process of completing assessments and necessary actions to become accredited by the UUA Green Sanctuary program.
- “The Green Sanctuary Program provides structure, leadership and support, in broad collaboration, for the UU faith community to engage in an ambitious Environmental Justice and Climate Justice movement that seeks to live fully our seventh principle and achieve our vision of a viable and just world for all.”
Come to any program or meeting, as advertised in the Fellowship’s Connections Weekly, or email us at: