This Sunday (7.14) in CYRE

4hNo For All Ages: We invite all CYRE children to join us in the Classroom at the beginning of service.

Gardening Help:

Anyone intereseted in helping out with our struggling gardening please join us at 10:30 a.m.

One service at 10 a.m. (K-5 in Pauling- Preschool/Nursery in the Preschool room.)

We will spend a considerable amount of time outdoors so we ask that you provide your children with ample sun protection; sunscreen and/or hats.

Plans for this Sunday

In the Multi-Age K-5th grade classroom (With your permission and our kid’s willingness) Jamil will be continuing a field test of meditations, activities, and multimedia resources that may eventually be used in a Buddhist UU curriculum for children.

10 a.m. K-5: Last Sunday Fiona Spencer directed us in a contemplative meditation written by her for the classroom. This Sunday we will pick up where we left off with the Buddhism UU series, we will discuss the first UU Principle “The Inherent Worth and Dignity of All.”

a. Songs of realization (Bring your favorite dharma camp or UU song to share with the class!)

b. Sharing our joys and concerns

c. Loving-kindness meditation for children, based in the Vipassana tradition here.

d. Playtime and garden recovery work!

10 a.m. Preschool/ Nursery: Alyssa Axe and Juliette Mettes will provide childcare, games and much love for our preschool and nursery children.



A few of the parents and BVUUF members have expressed an interest in starting a family style meditation group. Anyone interested in starting a family meditation group please contact Jamil ( with your contact information and time/days that would work for you and your family.


Updated O.W.L. information:

Please find attached the details and registration form for the August 23-25 OWL training at BVUUF.  Please contact Eleanor with questions and please feel free to forward this email to whomever.  We are still confirming trainers for the K-1/4th-6th OWL training and anticipate that it will happen at All Souls sometime in September or October.  More details on that training soon:

Current O.W.L. Details


Kids Meditation Program in Denver: Orgyen Khamdroling Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center! Orgyen Khamdroling hosts a monthly children’s program the last Sunday of every month. We focus on mindfulness, compassionate action, brief sitting meditation, and other fun activities. Children of all ages are welcome! This program is free and open to anyone, whether a Sangha member or just a visitor. …More

Date: July 28th at 5 p.m.

Location: Orgyen Khamdroling Center, 3300 Josephine Street, Denver, CO 80205


Next year’s program – how do you want to join? Check it out here.

Coming of Age Guide needed for 2013/14- 2x/mo (Sept. – May), Sundays 12:30 – 2 p.m. Reflect/mentor/listen with eight 8/9th graders as they explore our U.U. faith. Two retreats.  Join Linda Spencer and Laura Murray, guides. Contact CYRE if you are interested. (

Emily CongerYouth Coordinator
Jamil ScottReligious Education Assistant
Katie CoveyDirector of Religious Education

Boulder Valley U.U. Fellowship, 303-665-4280 x 104