Make This the Year You Get Your Affairs in Order!

It is human nature to put off doing things that are emotionally charged. Preparing for our death is not easy.  How many of you have a will that guides distribution of your assets after your death?  Have you addressed end-of-life care wishes in an advance directive? Have you thought about wishes for a memorial service or disposition of your body?

Regularly, BVUUF hosts a series of seminars to help members of our congregation and the public at large prepare for the end of life.  If you attended those sessions, have you followed through and documented your wishes and plans?  Have you chosen a decision-maker and have you talked to your family about your wishes and values.

Whether you attended the seminars or not, there is help available. To guide you in this process, we have created the Thoughtful Endings—Planning Document on which you can record important information such as contacts, location of documents and plans. The document contains helpful links to resources. The entire document should be copied and shared with family members. Reverend Lydia would appreciate having basic contact information (first page of document) for everyone who is willing to share it.

Download the planning document by clicking this link: End of Life Planning Form. Complete the first page, and submit it to the office.  Set a target date for completing the remainder of the document.  Rev. Lydia is willing to meet with individuals about memorial service planning.  If you wish to have help with any of these documents, contact Constance Holden at