Your Board unanimously approved five proposals at its August 15, 2019, meeting. These included two policy changes related to budgeting: One was a policy on overspending and underspending of operating budget amounts allotted to Committees, Councils, Teams, Task Forces and Staff.
This policy specifies that if an organizational entity is unable to use its budgeted funds, unspent funds are to be returned to the BVUUF operating fund. The policy also specifies that the Committee on Shared Ministries (CoSM) has been designated as the responsible organizational group for all Council budgets, and that Councils have been designated as the responsible organizational groups for the teams and task forces that carry out each Council’s mission. The responsible organizational group must approve any overspending requests from subordinate groups.
The second budget-related policy rescinded an obsolete March 2014 policy stating that the salaries of the School of the Spirit staff will be funded through the School of the Spirit Fund. The new policy clarifies that School of the Spirit staff salaries will be funded through the operating budget. This brings the policy in line with current operations.
In other business, the Board:
*Voted to continue BVUUF’s annual $2,000 contribution to the I Have a Dream Foundation through 2022.
*Agreed to enter into an agreement with Jack’s Solar Garden to purchase a one-time subscription for 20 years of solar energy credit for the new building. The Board thanks Steve Szabo, husband of Building Committee member Debbie Lane, who is contributing the subscription.
*Adopted a Board Covenant for this Fellowship year. The Covenant includes principles for Board member relations with each other, Board relations with the Congregation, and conduct of Board business.
If you are interested in any of these proposals and want more information, please contact Gloria Pearlstein at