Your Board met twice in October and addressed the following issues:
At a special meeting on October 3:
o Approved Elliot Good’s request to move from the position of Vice President to Trustee and appointed Trustee Nancy DiLaura to serve as Vice President. Both terms will end on June 30, 2019.
o After meeting with the Building Committee in Executive Session to discuss strategies for dealing with the extremely high construction bid, agreed that the delay in starting construction would be longer than initially expected and developed communication approaches (including Listening Sessions) to ensure that the congregation was made fully aware of the situation.
At the regular October 18 meeting:
o Considered a report from the RE Transition Search Team and authorized the Personnel Committee to develop a job description for the vacant RE staff position that represents a significant attempt to move toward Lifespan Faith Formation as an organizing principle. The Board will review this job description at the November 15 meeting.
o Based on the recommendation of the Investment Team, authorized the Construction Finance Team to invest $350,000 of the Future Building Fund in highly-rated corporate bonds for a short term to be available by mid-March, 2019.
o As requested by the Leadership Development Committee, developed a preliminary list of potential candidates for Board positions that will become vacant on June 30, 2019.
o Approved the minutes of the September 20-21 and October 3 Board meetings and accepted the September Treasurer’s Report and Building Project Financial Report.