Your Board met three times in September and addressed the following issues:
• At special meeting on September 2, authorized Reverend Lydia to proceed with Affiliation with Elizabeth Sollie as a BVUUF Community Minister
• Referred proposed Fund Management Policy back to Finance Committee for further discussion
• Approved Finance Committee recommendation to close certain dormant special funds and to combine and rename certain others
• Tabled a Social Justice Council proposal pending CoSM review and further analysis starting at the October meeting of the Executive Committee
• Again revised policies related to the building project for further clarification and to place decision-making and budget approval at the proper organizational level
• Postponed discussion of use of Stoner Fund monies pending further analysis with CoSM at the October meeting of the Executive Committee.
• Approved Board Minutes for August 23 and September 2
- Accepted Treasurer’s Report and Building Project Finance Report for August and expressed appreciation to the anonymous donor, who has donated another $100,000 to defray the higher-than-projected cost of the ground-source heat pump
• Following a meeting with the full Building Committee and a follow-up meeting the following day (September 21), agreed to delay the scheduled move of Sunday Services to Angevine Middle School to allow time to obtain the necessary permits and to complete contract negotiations.