The BVUUF Board of Officers and Trustees held two meetings in February. At a Special Meeting held on February 7, the Board authorized a $2,500 increase in Rev. Lydia’s Sabbatical budget to correct a calculation error in the previously approved budget.
The Board held its regular monthly meeting on February 18. After lighting the chalice and listening to a reflection, Board members continued their discussion of Widening the Circle of Concern, a report by the UUA Commission on Institutional Change. This month’s focus was on the experiences, often negative, of BIPOC religious professionals. The Board then approved the Consent Agenda and proposals to:
- Move Sabbatical Reserve Funds from their designated Project Fund Reserve into the 2020-2021 operating budget to fund Rev. Lydia’s upcoming sabbatical.
- Provide funds for members registering for the 2021 UUA General Assembly, to be held online. Specifically the Board agreed to:
- Provide funding for up to 15 members who identify as young adults, Black people, Indigenous people, people of color, disabled people, LGBTQIA, others of limited financial means, and youth to attend and/or serve as delegates to the UUA 2021 General Assembly.
- Provide funding for up to 6 adult members not in the above categories to serve as delegates to the UUA 2021 General Assembly.
- Pay $200 per supported member, for a maximum of $4,200.
- Use the Legacy Fund to support this action.
- Adopt the budget submitted by the Playground Committee for installation of a playground at the expanded building. The plan calls for two playground areas, one for younger children and one for older children, each with age-appropriate equipment. The total budgeted is $83,900, which has already been contributed by BVUUF members and the Building Committee specifically for the playground.
- Pay up to $20,000 through the end of FY 21-22 to provide additional facilities and/or administrative support: 1) as the Fellowship adapts to the increased technological and logistical demands of occupying its new building, and 2) to offset the increased workload that the Office Manager is expected to shoulder as a result of both Rev. Lydia’s sabbatical, March-July of 2021, and as we open the building for activities as the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.
The Board also discussed the status of BVUUF’s ongoing work in the area of anti-racism/inclusivity, Rev. Lydia’s Sabbatical coverage plan, and Board recruitment for next year. The Board Secretary position and two Trustee positions are open for the 2021-2022 year.
For further information about any of these items, please contact
The Next Regular Board Meeting will be held March 18, 2021, 6:30-9:00 PM, via Zoom. All are welcome to attend.