Hey Youth and Parents!
In January, Youth Ministry was awesome! High school youth and I attended the annual MLK Overnight for social justice. This year the theme was Peace Begins with U(U)! Our own Jamil Scott helped the youth to practice centering and finding inner peace in order to then change the world.
The youth group recognized the 30 Days of Love campaign and made Valentine’s Day cards for immigrants in detention centers to show love and solidarity.
High school youth, join us in Fort Collins, for the 2014 Winter CON!
Where: Foothills UU Church, 1815 Yorktown Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80526
When: February 7-9, 2014
Check in at 7:00 pm Friday, check out at 9:00 am Sunday.
Theme: “Standing on the Side of Love.” What does that mean to you? Con planners have a fun and inspirational event planned. We will begin by living our loving community covenant. Spiritual and creative activities are being planned. We will be engaged in workshops, worships and community building activities.
Cost: $45
Need-based educational discounts are available. Contact Jennica Davis-Hockett at jdavis@uua.org for more information.
Middle School CON
Where: All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 730 North Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
When: Friday, February 21 at 7pm – Saturday, Feb 22 at 7 pm for Middle Schoolers
HS counselors (10th-12th) are invited to stay for service the next morning.
Theme: Connecting to Covenant
Register Here! I know the middle school youth are excited!
MDD Youth Chaplain Training
Where: South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, 6876 S Highland Dr, Cottonwood Heights, Utah
When: March 21 -23
What/Why: Chrysalis Chaplain Trainings are small working conferences for high school youth and advisors to gain skills needed to effectively listen to, affirm, and emotionally support our young people. Chaplains are individuals who help manage crises, ensure a healthy and safe atmosphere, & bring spiritual resources & support to the community.
More Information Here!
Save the Date! QUUest and Spirit Quest UU Summer Camp
Where/When: July 6-12th, 2014 at La Foret Camp and Conference Center in Co. Springs, CO.
Highlights include: CommUUnity, Ropes Courses, Spiritual Practice and Growth, Crafts, Games, Workshops, Worship, Fun, and Friendship.
Contact: Camp Director, Eric Bliss for more info.
To ensure you have the most up-to-date calendars, check here: COA Calendar and OWL Calendar.
If you would like more information about or would like to be involved in this vibrant ministry, please fill out the Boulder Youth Contact Form.
Emily Conger, Youth Coordinator
School of the Spirit
Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Email Me
BVUUF Youth Ministry Website
District Youth Conference Calendar