Hey Youth and Parents!
Coming of Age folks have started writing their Credo Statements, which will be presented to the congregation on Youth Sunday at 9am. We also had a fabulous Solo Journey Retreat to a Soder family cabin in Poudre Valley, followed by a wonderful Circle of Community, led by Rev. Lydia, where the youth were welcomed back. Thanks to our guides Linda Spencer, Laura Murray, and David Hughes for their work with the youth all year! (Register NOW for next year’s Coming of Age)
Our Whole Lives explored unhealthy relationships and had their closing celebration! Congratulations and thank you for your commitment! Thank you to the facilitators Heather Munro, Scott McCollom, and Jamil Scott for your commitment to sexual health education. (Register NOW for next year’s Our Whole Lives)
We’re in the early stages of preparing the Mission Trip for Summer 2015! I recently attended a BorderLinks trip with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder in order to learn more about the organization and our potential mission trip projects with them. Check out the BorderLinks website and let me know if you want more information. We will be sending out Application forms and details in the fall.
We had one youth attend the annual Bridging Con, which explored how to “keep moving forward” and being resilient. I spearheaded the district-wide bridging ceremony where we had youth from Salt Lake bridging remotely via a video feed and UU people watching from as far away as Australia!
On a personal note, this summer I will be starting on my path toward Unitarian Universalist ministry by attending Meadville Lombard Theological School full time. It is a 3-year Masters of Divinity program that is done through intensives so I will be going to Chicago 3 times per year for my in-class time. The rest of the year I will be doing pre- and post- course work, interning in the Boulder/Denver area, and working at BVUUF!
Since I take off for the summer, after Youth Sunday I will see all you fine folks again mid-August! Thanks for another fabulous year!
Upcoming events:
Youth Sunday
We’re looking forward to Youth Sunday on May 18th where we’ll have two Unitarian Universalist rites of passage. Join us in the celebration!
9am – Coming of Age Credo Statements: 8th/9th grade youth present what is important to them and what they believe about some of life’s big questions.
11am – Bridging Seniors: High school seniors transition into adulthood. Bring your cell phones on silent.
Each service will be unique and special. Stay for both, if you can!
Summer Day Camp: Summer Arts Jam
Camp Description: We will express our true selves in circus arts, martial arts, visual arts, music, and more.
In “Summer Arts Jam” each counselor and CIT team is responsible for about 5 children. Counselors sit with their group for morning and afternoon chapels, shepherd them through the activities rotations in the morning and afternoons, and make sure that the children are safe and enjoying their camp experience. We are committed to an enjoyable, respectful and creative camp experience and invite you to apply!
Sunday, June 1, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Counselor/CIT Orientation and Camp Set Up;
Monday, June 2 – Friday, June 6, 2014
8:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
Friday, June 6, 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. Paycheck and Pizza Party for counselors and CIT’s
Location: Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1241 Ceres Drive, Lafayette, CO 80026
Save the Date! QUUest and Spirit Quest UU Summer Camps
Where/When: July 6-12th, 2014 at La Foret Camp and Conference Center in Co. Springs, CO.
Highlights include: CommUUnity, Labyrinth, Ropes Courses, Spiritual Practice and Growth, Crafts, Games, Workshops, Worship, Fun, and Friendship.
Registration Information! (QUUest is nearly full – register now!)
Contact: QUUest Camp Director, Eric Bliss (High School)
Spirit Quest Camp Director, Beth Chronister (Middle School)
8th/9th Grade Coming of Age
Coming of Age is an amazing UU rite of passage from childhood. Youth go on two retreats and engage with tough questions about their place in life, spirituality, and the universe. This course is open to participants and facilitators from BVUUF and UUCB! This program will start in early September 2014.
For more information: BVUUF Information and Registration
7th/8th Grade OWL
Register Now for Our Whole Lives! It’s a comprehensive sexuality course for participants from BVUUF, UUCB, and the larger community! This program will start in early September 2014.
For more information: BVUUF OWL website and Registration
To ensure you have the most up-to-date calendars, check here: 2013-14 COA Calendar and OWL Calendar.
If you would like more information about or would like to be involved in this vibrant ministry, please fill out the Boulder Youth Contact Form.
Emily Conger, Youth Coordinator
School of the Spirit
Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Email Me
BVUUF Youth Ministry Website
District Youth Conference Calendar