This Week’s Highlights
Sunday Service: April 6
(Services at 9 am and 11 am)
- “Talking with Loved Ones about our Final Wishes”
Rev. Catharine Harris leading, Connie Holden, Worship Associate
The Rev. Catharine Harris and Connie Holden will speak about the importance of having conversations with those we love about what we value in life and how we hope to die. Connie Holden is a co-founder of “The Conversation Project in Boulder County.” Diana McLean is helping develop a support system for those who wish to have a conversation (
To read more about this month’s theme of “Salvation” click here.
This week’s half plate offering will go to The Conversation Project. This county-wide initiative aims to foster meaningful and effective conversations about end-of-life care. The Conversation Project in Boulder County is designed to: emphasize the importance of having honest conversations with family members and other involved caregivers; encourage the completion of advance care planning documents; offer presentations to groups and train facilitators; and develop a model project that can be replicated by other communities.