Aug. 9, 2015: “Connections Weekly”

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Sunday Service: Aug. 9, 2015

Service at 10 a.m.

“Poetry Service”
Larry LaVerdure, Worship Leader; Silvine Farnell, Worship Associate
Come feel the power and joy of poetry! This year’s theme focuses on Justice and Joy. Many voices have co-created this service that celebrates our community’s search for meaning, as we strive to bring love, reason, and compassion to a hurting world. As we have fewer poems than last year, we have the opportunity to relish them at a much deeper level.

This week’s Half-Plate offering: Trans Youth Education and Support (TYES) supports transgender and gender creative children and their families. TYES has helped over 30 families discover the unique needs of their children and the resources to support them. We follow this summer practice of a single recipient nominated through Social Justice Action Council, and for this year it is our Welcoming Congregation Task Force. Nominated by Karen Axe.

To read more about the August services on the theme of “Principles,” click here.

Please contact Alyse DeVan, Communications Specialist, with any questions or concerns at Thank you!