Your Board met twice in August and prepared for a busy year by exploring personal strengths and interpersonal interactions. We also adopted several important policies, approved a hiring decision and a committee appointment, and scheduled a congregational meeting. Board votes (all unanimous) approved new policies that:
Create a Combined Campaigns Committee by blending the Capital Campaign and Stewardship Committees
Create five procedures proposed by the Building Committee for approving budgets, contracts, and agreements related to the BVUUF Remodeling and Building Project
Clarify the guidelines for naming councils, committees, teams, etc. and for resolving related disputes
Other actions:
(1) authorized the hiring of Spenser Raymond as Spirit Jam Youth Coordinator and a short-term provision (that can be extended if funds are available) for him to provide additional hours of “occasional tech support” and
(2) appointed Rachel Setzke to the Committee on Shared Ministry to fill a vacant seat until June 30, 2018.
We also selected November 12 as the best date for the Congregational Meeting that is needed to approve the Capital Campaign’s fund-raising goal.
Wynn Montgomery