This Week’s Highlights
Sunday Service: February 9
(Services at 9 am and 11 am)
- “In Fresh Surprise of Love, or, Love Lessons from Cats”
Paul Gibb, worship leader; Kathryn DeSouchet, Worship Associate -
To read more about this month’s theme of “Covenant” click here.
Half Plate Offering:The half-plate donation will help fund the NAACP NC-sponsored Mass Moral March that was held just yesterday at the state capitol in Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina’s legislature has put into place oppressive voting laws that especially affect people of color, students and people with disabilities. Many local UUs and other religious progressives have participated in the March. Recently, UUA President Peter Morales called upon Unitarian Universalists to join him, other UU ministers and members of UU congregations in North Carolina in yesterday’s March. If we were unable to go, Rev, Morales urged us to contribute financially. Our BVUUF contributions will go through the UUA and directly to the NAACP NP Mass Moral March.