Sunday Service: Dec. 13, 2015
Services at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
December 13
“What We Long For” (Mitten Tree Sunday)
Intern Minister Ruth Rinehart, Worship Leader; Kelye Lotz, Worship Associate
During this month of exploring what it means to be a “People of Expectation,” look to this present moment. Right now. Right where you are. Where are you? In the future? The past? The present?
This Sunday’s Half-Plate: Emergency Family Assistance Association – Mitten Tree. EFFA works in cooperation with other human service organizations, schools, congregations, and local police departments to provide a safety net for families who have nowhere else to turn when they cannot meet their basic needs. Nominated by Su-Esta Scott.
To read more about the December services on the theme of “Expectation” click here. Also visit our Soul Matters Monthly Reflection here.
Please contact Alyse DeVan, Communications Specialist, with any questions or concerns at Thank you!