Sunday Service: Dec. 27, 2015
Service at 10 a.m.
December 27
“So, What Did You Expect?”
Wendie Highsmith, Worship Leader; Harry Albert, Worship Associate
Roll back the calendar to December 27, 2014: as the new year approached, what were your expectations? What resolutions did you have? Fears? Hopes? Dreams for yourself, your family, our country, our world? As 2015 winds to a close, how have those expectations played out? What might you do now that 2016 approaches? Together we will explore this topic through music, poetry, and reflection.
This Sunday’s Half-Plate: Minister’s Discretionary Fund. The holidays can be a challenging time for folks, especially financially. This congregation generously funds a “Minister’s Discretionary Fund” through the offering today. This fund enables Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry to confidentially help those among us who are in need at any time of year. In the past, she has helped members and friends with grocery coupons, rent, and therapy payments, among other things. Please contact Rev. Lydia if you ever need a little help to get you through tough financial times.
To read more about the December services on the theme of “Expectation” click here. Also visit our Soul Matters Monthly Reflection here.
Please contact Alyse DeVan, Communications Specialist, with any questions or concerns at Thank you!