Sunday Service: Dec. 6, 2015
Services at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
December 6
“Moments of Conviction”
Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry, preaching; Rachel Setzke, Worship Associate
We will gather in the advent of Hanukkah, commemorating the victory of the ancient Israelites over the Syrian-Greek Army and the subsequent miracle of restoring the menorah in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The “miracle” of Hanukkah comes from the one day supply of oil that burned in the menorah for eight days. For the Hebrews, it represented a moment of conviction, hope, and faith. We will begin our exploration of the December theme of “Expectations” as we look at modern moments of conviction and the shedding of expectations.
This Sunday’s Half-Plate: Boulder Valley Community Action Network, which works towards systemic change on an issue of concern to our congregation: mental health care access. Nominated by Marc Esenwein.
To read more about the December services on the theme of “Expectation” click here. Also visit our Soul Matters Monthly Reflection here.
Please contact Alyse DeVan, Communications Specialist, with any questions or concerns at Thank you!