Dec. 7, 2014 SpiritJam Weekly Update

Explore the theme of Peace with a NatureJam of Deep Peace,  TinkerJam with origami Paper Crane ornaments, and at 11:00 a.m. a PoetryJam with Silvine Farnell.  We will process into the sanctuary at the end of the service for the Mitten Tree Celebration. Adults, Youth and Children welcome!



9 and 11 a.m. CircleJam (opening) Share Joys and Concerns in the Sharing Circle with SpiritJam staff and Jam leaders. 

NatureJam: Carry the blankets outside to wrap in and contemplate peace with the Gaelic blessing “Deep Peace.” Stop by and pick up the blessing words for you to use in your home.

TinkerJam:  We’ve made Paper Cranes to decorate the sanctuary and Peace Crane Tree, now make one for your own tree!

PoetryJam: (11 a.m. only) Come taste peace with the help of a couple of great poems. Bring your favorite poem on peace, or choose one brought by Silvine Farnell, who will be leading.  Adults and all ages welcome!

9 and 11 a.m. Preschool/Nursery-  with Miss Ari, Early Childhood Music Specialist and Teacher.

7/8th Grade Our Whole Lives (O.W.L.) – with Luis Uribe and Scott McCollom.

8/9th Grade Coming of Age – After Death Beliefs with Emily and Michael.

9 – 10:30 a.m. Adult Class: Buddhism Tapes, facilitated by Judy Feland. #4 Thoreau Rm. Drop In’s Welcome!

12:30 – 2 p.m. Adult World Religions Series:  Mormonism  facilitated by Linda Thornton and Laura Murray. #4 Thoreau Room. Drop In’s Welcome!

Playground Monitors:  Needed for December, 10 – 11 a.m.  Sign up online  or on the bulletin board. Weather permitting, but the children love to go outside!

Read more about our unique experimental SpiritJam model at   Join us as we co-create this experimental program with paid lead teachers and monthly themes!



Mitten Tree this Sunday! Bring scarves, gloves, hats and mittens to place on the Christmas Tree for the benefit of the families in EFAA (Emergency Family Assistance Assoc.). Place them in the baskets in the foyer and the children and SpiritJam participants will bring them in at the end of the service. Children may wish to keep their donations with them until we move into the sanctuary.

Upcoming Adult Classes: click here for more information.

  • Sun., Dec. 14 – Spanish Conversation with Letitia Abajo, 10 a.m.. #4 Thoreau Rm.
  • Sun., Dec. 14 Chat with the Minister, 12:30 p.m. Dias
  • Sun., Dec. 14  Humanism facilitated by Dave Leonard, a 1 session class from 12:30-2 p.m. in the Thoreau Room.

Christmas Eve, Dec. 24: We will be offering Child Dedications at these services. See Katie if you would like your infant or older child(ren) dedicated in UU tradition. Children up to 8th grade are invited into the dedication ceremony, after which we invite them to the “Coming of Age” program.

  • 3 and 5 p.m. Family – Oriented Services featuring the “No Rehearsal Christmas Eve Pageant,” Carols, and Candlelighting.
    • Come in costume or borrow one of ours. We invite audience participation as manger animals, shepherds, angels, wise guys and assistants. Let Katie know if you would like to be Mary or Joseph for a service.
  • 8 p.m. Carols and Candlelight, Reflecting on the 100th anniversary of the Silent Night Armistice on Christmas Eve, 1914.

Snake visit needed for January! Is there a friendly corn snake or other who might visit us for SpiritJam?


The School of the Spirit hall has been decorated by the children in a “Christmas B0mb” style. Take a peek at the glittering tinsel garlands draped over everything!


Your School of the Spirit Staff:

  • Emily CongerYouth Coordinator, 
  • Ari Flauta, Early Childhood Teacher,
  • Rachel StevensonSpiritJam Teacher and Religious Education Assistant, 
  • Michael NewmanSpiritJam Teacher,
  • Katie CoveyDirector of the School of the Spirit,