FAQ #397: How to Publicize a Fellowship Event

Frequently Asked Question #397 is “Hey, I’m excited about an event I’m coordinating for the Fellowship. How do I get the word out about this fabulous event?”

Reader, check out resource titled “How to Publicize a Fellowship Event” by visiting the website at Connection Overview, scroll down to Communications and click on the tab. Over time, the Communications team will be publishing other resources and you will find them in the same spot. This “How To” offers a basic list of possibilities, and is not meant to be exhaustive (or exhausting).

From the same spot, you can drop an email to the communications contacts and let us know what suggestions you have to add to the list, or you can send us your questions.


Heads-Up:  As the website continues to evolve, I’m searching for ways to increase the  content without adding webpages (we’ve got plenty already). I see the Connection Overview page as becoming a resource webpage where resources offered or “owned” by various Fellowship groups can be easily accessed. Watch for more to come as things develop!


~ Carol “Pierogi” Pranschke, Office Manager

From the Fellowship, Where Kindness is Cool!