Author: Carol Pranschke

Heading into winter

Beloveds, As of today, Boulder County is in a newly designated “Level Red: Severe Risk” Covid zone. High Risk Populations are to stay at home, and there are to be no personal gatherings of any size. The next level up is the new “Level Purple: Extreme Risk” (total shutdown), and we are only staying out … Continue reading Heading into winter

After a stressful week

June 3, 2020 Beloveds, Once again I say ‘so much has changed since last week’. This week, in addition to the physical and psychic stress of the on-going pandemic, the world witnessed the killing of a Black man, George Floyd, at the knee of a police officer, who would not loosen his hold even after … Continue reading After a stressful week

Time to Take a Break

May 27, 2020 Beloveds, “We meet dozens of people, have so many conversations, [look at hundreds of posts]. We do not feel how much energy we spend on each activity, because we imagine we will always have more energy at our disposal. This one little conversation. This one little extra phone call, this one quick … Continue reading Time to Take a Break

Finding our Anchors Within

May 13, 2020 Beloveds, This week, my head is spinning, as I continue to grapple with the rapidly changing environment of both the science of Covid-19 and the government policies that also by necessity take into account economic and social realities. For a laugh, check out this video, and you’ll get a glimpse into my … Continue reading Finding our Anchors Within

Closer to home

May 6, 2020 Beloveds, You may have noticed that we are hearing more sharing in our services from people personally impacted by COVID-19, from deaths of relatives and friends to concerns for their own exposure.  Please know that I am available for pastoral care of any of you — whether you are experiencing grief from … Continue reading Closer to home