Brother David Steindl-Rast and a crew of followers have produced a beautiful and multicultural-friendly video about gratitude for each day. Only 5 minutes long, A Gift for World Gratitude Day, is a gift you can give yourself.
Thank you, my beautiful Fellowship Family,
For teaching me about social justice, different ways of being spiritual in the world, about how powerful and messy being in community can be, how important it is for me to learn to ask questions and to find my own voice. Isn’t it wonderful and awe-inspiring, the endless number of ways that people can be “in family” together?
For working side by side with me and building the administrative work at the Fellowship into a ministry. Thank you for laughing along with me. Thank you for your forgiveness when I screw up, make a mistake that impacts you, am out of the office when you need something.
For your patience while we search for the “just right” person to take on the numbers work – which in today’s world, includes database migration, data analysis, some tech support, and Sunday mornings(!), all while I am taking on a more focused role in strategic communications and marketing.
I appreciate your faith, and your trust. As a Christian, it’s been a bit of an eye opener to realize that seven years at the Fellowship has confirmed for me that love is what it is all about, and has opened my heart wide to the world.
Thank you, yes YOU!
What a big messy family we are at the Fellowship, and I am glad to be a part of it. Aren’t you?
Hugs, Carol Pranschke, office manager