Sunday Service: June 7, 2015
Service at 10 a.m.
“Freedom and Commitment: Annual Flower Ceremony and Child Dedication”
Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry, preaching; Wendie Highsmith, Worship Associate
Come listen to the story of Norbert Capek’s work for freedom along with the creation of the Unitarian Flower Ceremony. Children from the Fellowship will also be dedicated. Don’t forget to bring a blossom to this service!
This week’s Half-Plate offering: Boulder Valley Community Action Network (BVCAN) works to help with social justice action in our state and within local communities by helping faith-based groups work to improve healthcare, mental wellness, immigrant rights, educational services, community safety, and economic justice initiatives. Nominated by Kathy Partridge.
To read more about the June services on the theme of “Freedom,” click here.
Please contact Alyse DeVan, Communications Specialist, with any questions or concerns at Thank you!