9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services
May 8
“Busting Out of the Binary”
Ruth Rinehart, Intern Minister; Brian Kenyon, Worship Associate
It used to be that everyone had both a biological mother and father to raise them, but not these days! A child might have two moms or two dads, or perhaps genderqueer parents. Gender fluidity, both in identity and reproductive science, can be mind-blowing and exciting. As we partner with our genderfluid human family on this Mother’s Day, join us as we honor and acknowledge the depths of complexity around these most tender relationships.
This Sunday’s Half-Plate: The Family Garden, a resource hub that offers education, inspiration, and community for families throughout pregnancy, birth, and early childhood. Most of their services offer a sliding scale based on ability to pay. Nominated by Kathy Partridge.
To read more about the May services on the theme of “Blessings,” click here. Also visit our Soul Matters Monthly Reflection here.
Please contact Alyse DeVan, Communications Specialist, with any questions or concerns at commspecialist@bvuuf.org. Thank you!