UU General Assembly
The UU General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct the business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. This year’s Assembly will be held June 24-29 in Providence, Rhode Island, as a 5-day immersive experience of inspirational worship services and informative workshops. It’s also an opportunity to reconnect with friends and colleagues, plus explore the bustling exhibit hall.
Be Our Voice at the 2020
UUA General Assembly!
The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) has funds available to support in person or online registration for up to 6 delegates from BVUUF at this year’s UUA General Assembly. Funding applications are due February 16. For details, click on the following link: UUA Funding Request
As delegates to GA, you will represent the Fellowship on votes pertaining to UUA social action initiatives, bylaw and rule amendments, and the Association budget.
You do not need to attend GA in-person to be a delegate. Remote/online participants can be delegates from the comfort of their homes and be able to enjoy all of the main events and many of the workshops and panel sessions.
Meeting with fellow UUs is sure to leave you with renewed energy and innovative ideas to share with our congregation and community at large!
For information on the program, registration deadlines, housing, and transportation, click on the following link: 2020 General Assembly.