Nov. 29, 2015: “Connections Weekly”

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Sunday Service: Nov. 29, 2015

Services at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.

November 29

“Ancestry: Adoration or Angst?”
Intern Minister Ruth Rinehart, Worship Leader; Paul Gibb, Worship Associate
This exact moment in life is a “time when all the mysteries of life and death are blended,” says Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Dr. Mark Belletini. Which aspects of our ancestry do we lift up, adore, and praise? Which aspects do we hide in shame or angst? How do we recognize that every encounter with another is an intercultural exchange? Our awareness of our own ancestry and culture gives us important tools for navigating the tricky waters of “otherness.”

This Sunday’s Half-Plate: Progressive and Really Inclusive Student Ministry (PRISM), which consists of a diverse crowd of open and affirming CU-Boulder students seeking a progressive path of faith. Nominated by Sheri Price.

To read more about the November services on the theme of “Ancestry” click here. Also visit our Soul Matters Monthly Reflection here.

Please contact Alyse DeVan, Communications Specialist, with any questions or concerns at Thank you!