Sunday Service: October 12, 2014
(Services at 9 am and 11 am)
“Discerning Our Common Purpose”
Rev. Julia McKay, preaching; Sheila Brown, Worship Associate
Rev. McKay ministers at Columbine Unitarian Universalist Church in Littleton, CO. She actively studies the Courage and Renewal work of Parker Palmer, the Compassionate Communication work of Marshal Rosenberg and is a member of The Spirituals Project Choir out of the University of Denver and the Iliff School of Theology. She graduated in 2008 from the Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, CA.
Discerning Our Common Purpose: Seeking our life path individually and collectively as Unitarian Universalists, we responsibly search for truth and meaning. Using the spiritual practice of Quaker discernment to inform our exploration, Rev. McKay will consider how we deepen our intention to discern our common purpose as UU’s with each other and within the world.
- To read more about the October theme and services of Vision, click here
- This Week’s Half Plate offering: Two years ago the members of our congregation committed together to sponsor a child in the Pioneer Elementary School (Escuela Bilingue Pioneer) Eagle class of Boulder County “I Have a Dream” program. Among the many ways we are able to do this are: by donating to the half-plate collections which covers our $2000 annual sponsorship, becoming mentors and tutors to Dreamers in the class, “adopting” a Dreamer family during the winter holidays and attending the IHAD fundraisers. Nominator: Dianne Ladd, IHAD Eagle Task Force Leader
Please contact Alyse DeVan, Communications Specialist, with any questions or concerns at Thank you!