Sunday Service: October 5, 2014
(Services at 9 am and 11 am)
“Spiritual Innovators”
Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry, preaching; Larry LaVerdure, Worship Associate
- To read more about the October theme and services of vision, click here
- This Week’s Half Plate offering: The half-plate offering this week goes toward BVUUFs membership in Together Colorado, whose organizers work with our Boulder Valley Community Action Network (BVCAN) to work for systemic change on a issue of concern to our congregation – mental health care access. Please join BVCAN at 12:15 today in the sanctuary for a community forum to update the congregation on new developments in our efforts. Nominated by Kathy Partridge.
Please contact Alyse DeVan, Communication Specialist, with any questions or concerns at Thank you!