Dear BVUUF Community,
Welcome! We are excited to have you aboard the BVUUF Fellowship. Please fasten your seat belts, lean back and enjoy this new fiscal year. In case of unexpected turbulence, please keep your seat belt fastened and trust or assist the crew… we are moving forward to bring our strategic direction alive: “Create a Center for Spiritual Exploration & Justice Making”.
Change is in the air: new leaders, new website, new communication. Starting in August, you can expect to receive updates on our fiscal health by treasurer Joan Mulcahy most usually in the “Connections Weekly” published for the 2nd Sunday of the month and you will receive news from the Board of Trustees on the 4th Sunday of each month. Our articles will appear in WordPress blog format with a title, a short intro and a link to “read more” for your perusal. Wynn Montgomery will have “Meeting Highlights” from the most recent Board meeting and I will share my perspective of current, foreseeable and past happenings.
A current need that recently came to my attention is to fill the positions of AUCTION CO-CHAIRS. Our yearly Auction is the largest fundraiser for the Fellowship. There are a myriad of willing and able hands available to volunteer. The task of the Co-Chairs is to coordinate and organize the event. Would taking this on give you joy and fulfillment? Are you a natural at organizing? Is your heart nudging you to say YES? Please contact
A foreseeable Board discussion is to consider providing a “Safe Sanctuary Space” at BVUUF (when a shower gets built into a bathroom during renovations). UU Church of Boulder is investigating becoming a sanctuary church and they are hosting a meeting with lawyers to talk about legal issues. Rev. Kelly Dignan was very welcoming and invited all BVUUF Board members and anyone else interested to attend their meeting: Monday, July 31, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at UUCB. This information will help us to start our discussion.
Filling the vacant trustee position was the first order of business for the new Board. The Leadership Development Committee forwarded the name of Hannah Grosser for this position and during a conference call, we unanimously elected her to become the third trustee. Welcome Hannah – we are excited to have you On Board!
At the July 19 Board meeting a full Board, including Rev. Ruth, was present. We appointed Joan Mulcahy to be the chair of the Finance Committee and approved the renaming of the BVUUF “Building Fund” to “Building Maintenance Fund” for reason of clarity. And we established liaisons to all committees that the Board oversees – co-chairs will be contacted. The liaison serves as a Board contact for the committee and assists in developing issues, policies and/or proposals to be brought before the Board.
Thank you for reading and for entrusting me to serve as your board president.
Elisabeth Kern